Welcome to EspressIQ Cafe

Awaken your heart, ignite your spirit!

About Us

In this captivating haven of enchanting aromas and flavors, our sole purpose is to provide you with an immersive coffee experience like no other.

In our realm, coffee transcends mere routine and becomes a transformative voyage through the world of flavors.

Our coffees are crafted with utmost dedication, using only the finest beans meticulously handpicked and expertly roasted to deliver an unparalleled taste experience.

Every cup is a masterpiece, blending enchanting flavors and captivating aromas that will surely awaken your senses and set your heart aflutter.

EspressIQ is more than a coffee destination. It is a vibrant community that unites coffee enthusiasts from all walks of life. Within our space, engaging conversations, infectious laughter, and the forging of new friendships are part of our daily rhythm. We strive to cultivate an environment where people can gather, share their thoughts, and ignite inspiration in one another. At EspressIQ, we believe in the power of connection, fueled by the love for coffee, to create meaningful encounters and foster a sense of belonging.

A good cup of coffee has the remarkable ability to recharge your spirits, invigorate your mind, and ignite a surge of creativity and productivity.

Welcome to EspressIQ Café! Discover a friendly and inviting atmosphere where good coffee and great company await you.

In this realm of coffee, artistry intertwines with flavors and experiences, where exceptional brews and positive vibes harmoniously unite.

Experience a pulsating pleasure that will invigorate your entire being.

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1089 Budapest, Rozgonyi street 2-6

Monday - Friday
8h - 17h
8h - 11h


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